Accepting email applications

Sage People Recruit accepts incoming emails from candidates and automatically creates the candidate and application records. The process requires a new email address to receive the applications.

To configure Email Services:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Email Services.

    Sage People displays the Email Services page.

  2. Select the Email Service Name Applications.

    Sage People displays the detail page for the Applications Email Service.

    Do not select Edit to change any parameters unless instructed to do so by Sage People Support.

  3. Select New Email Address.

    Sage People displays the New Email Address form.

  4. Complete the fields on the New Email Address form:

    Field What to enter
    Email Address Name  

    Email Address

    Completed by default with the Email Service Name: Applications. You can change this if you wish. This specifies the first part of the address, before the @. The rest of the address (the domain name) is allocated automatically.


    Leave checked.

    Context User

    Must be the system administrator (the default).

    Accept Email From

    Must be blank. It defaults to the administrator email address so you must clear the field.

  5. Select Save.

    Sage People generates a working email address of the form:

  6. Take a note of this address. This is your working email address. You could publish the working address for external use, but it would be hard for people to use.

    If you wish to publish an email address, set up a more easily remembered email redirect from your own email domain to the working address. You can then advertise the second, redirected address. Ask your email administrator to:

    1. Set up an easily remembered email address of the form:
    2. Redirect all emails received on this address to the working address.

    If you are only going to use the working email address for automatic applications from web forms or job boards you need not create the redirection.

    The redirection serves a number of purposes:

    • Applicants see the address as clearly belonging to your company. They use an address fully controlled by you.
    • You can save all application emails in your own mail system. You can forward to recruiters in your company as well as to Sage People Recruit.
    • If you wish to stop sending applications to Sage People Recruit, stop the redirection.